Peripheral Neuropathy
With peripheral neuropathy (PN) on the rise in India, all the physicians and patients must be educated well about the condition as the nerves in the body are impacted or harmed.
Peripheral Neuropathy is a common disease that causes damage to the peripheral nervous system which is pivotal in transmitting information from the brain and spinal cord to every other part of the body. You can schedule an appointment with Dr. Niveditha Sai Chandra who is the best neuropathy specialist in Secunderabad providing the nerve disease treatment in Secunderabad.
How does peripheral neuropathy start?
Peripheral neuropathy can be the result of traumatic injuries, metabolic issues, infections, hereditary causes and exposure to drugs/ toxins. One of the most common causes is diabetes. Individuals who suffer from peripheral neuropathy describe the pain as burning, tingling or pulling sensation.
Common signs and symptoms of neuropathy include:
- Sharp, pricking, burning, stabbing or electric-shock like pain.
- Tingling or numbness in the arms or feet.
- Changes in sensation: Severe pain, particularly at night. Decreased sensations like pain, temperature, pressure or touch. Exaggerated pain to in-noxious touch.
- Loss of balance or coordination
- Inability to perceive the ground as hard surface.
- Muscle cramps, twitching or spasms.
- Muscle weakness, trouble in walking or moving your arms or legs
- Loss of motion, Loss of muscle control or dumping things out of your hand.
- Abnormal heart rate or low blood pressure, which leads to dizziness while standing up, lightheadedness or fainting.
- Sweating excessively or insufficient comparable to the temperature or degree or exertion.
- Issues with bladder, digestion and bowels
- Sexual dysfunction
- Weight reduction.
If you think you or somebody you know is experiencing a stroke you should contact our emergency services at neurology hospitals in Secunderabad.

What are the Risk factors?
The risk factors of peripheral neuropathy include:
- Diabetes when your sugar levels are poorly controlled
- Vitamin deficiencies especially group od vitamin B.
- Excessive use of alcohol
- Infections like lyme disease, hepatitis B and C, shingles and HIV
- Autoimmune disorders like rheumatoid arthritis and lupus in which your immune system can attack your own tissues.
- Exposure to toxins
- Kidney, thyroid or liver disorders
- Family history of neuropathy.
What is the Treatment?
There are no proper medical treatments that can cure inherited peripheral neuropathy. However, there are treatments for some different forms. Generally, adopting a healthy habit like keeping up with ideal weight, avoiding exposure to toxins, following a physician-supervised exercise program, eating a healthy and balanced regimen, amending nutrient dediciencies, and restricting or staying away from alcohol consumption can decrease the physical and emotional impacts of peripheral neuropathy. Neuropathy with an underlying Systemic disease needs more complex therapies.
When to visit a neurologist in west Marredpally?
If you notice unusual weakness, tingling, pain in your hands or feet, seek a medical care right away. Early diagnosis and treatment from best neurology doctor in east marredpally can provide the best chance to improve your symptoms and prevent the further damage to your peripheral nerves.